
    A Stress-Free Approach to Launching Your Ministry’s App

    Launching an app is intimidating, no matter who you are or what organization you work for. But it’s even more daunting for ministry leaders. Agathon has years of experience with product launches and has developed a plan for go-live days to address the unique challenges facing ministries. Our measured approach will quell your anxieties, so […]

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    5 Common Blunders to Avoid When Starting a Web or App Project for Your Ministry

    Ministry leaders like yourself–about to begin a new web or app project–often feel immense pressure. After all, the success or failure of your product significantly impacts your ministry’s growth, reach, and reputation. Moreover, the resources you invest in the project give you little room for error. Rebuilding the product isn’t generally an option, even if […]

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    6 Ways to Make Online Giving Easier for Your Ministry’s Donors

    [W]e limit the potential of electronic giving when we regard it merely as a technical solution to technical problems. Lewis Center for Church Leadership The growth of digital giving continues to accelerate, with a 42% increase over the three year period of 2019-2021. Online giving now represents 12% of all giving. Notably, faith-based organizations see […]

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