We capture your vision and help define success.
A core component of any successful project is understanding the complete landscape in which that project will exist. This includes analyzing organizational strengths and weaknesses, understanding the present and future market, and researching your users’ wants and needs. Agathon goes further to help your organization develop a digital strategy and determine how your project helps contribute to that strategy’s success.
Discovery: framing the problem
A discovery session is a deep dive into understanding your organizational goals and user goals to discover where those align. We bring a fresh set of eyes plus tools and methods that help you see your challenges in new ways. This isn’t simply a chance to collect a list of requirements for an upcoming project. Instead, it’s a necessary part of the process to define what the project ought to be in the first place. We will help you frame your challenge through a user-centered approach, mining your unique knowledge of your users and identifying opportunities to serve them better while moving your organization toward its goals.
What does discovery look like?
A discovery session is a multi-day, hands-on, face-to-face working collaboration to discover what will be meaningful for both your end users and your organization—and where those opportunities overlap. We also help you discover new and overlooked opportunities with an eye toward both the immediate and longer-term future. We work with you on user journey maps, personas, and similar exercises that establish a foundational understanding of where you’re going and how to successfully get there. If that all sounds foreign and daunting, don’t worry! We are careful to guide you through the process to ensure that, by the end, we’re all working from the same map.
This session can stand alone as an opportunity to strategize for the future before embarking on projects internally. Or it can naturally transition into additional phases of work with Agathon. We abhor vendor lock-in, and you’re free to use the output from our discovery session however you wish. Our hope, however, is that we’ll be able to put that same expertise to work to help you turn the resulting vision into a reality.
Strategy: not a “one and done”
Discovery is one facet of Strategy, but there’s much more to the story. We employ a number of other tools as part of our overall Strategy services. We use tools like User Research, Opportunity Assessments, and Market Research during Discovery—and sometimes even prior to that—to establish goals and opportunities. But we also use those tools throughout a project, constantly checking in to ensure that we do not stray from the path, and that the path has not changed in the meantime!
Imagine if you discovered your users’ goals in Q1 of 2020 for a product launch in September… and then never revisited those goals in light of a landscape that changed entirely by summer’s end. We treat Strategy as a continuous part of a successful project to ensure all of our assumptions and findings remain valid along every step of the project’s life cycle.
Strategy Outcomes and Deliverables
- Team alignment around goals, features, and outcomes
- Key personas, use cases, and context scenarios
- A road map for an initial launch and for future iterations
- Metrics that help define success and the means to measure it

Our ministry is grateful for the Agathon team’s expertise and professionalism. Their partnership has been invaluable in helping us reach our digital audience through our website.
Stephanie Anderson Communications and Graphic Specialist, Eternal Perspective Ministries